It’s early morning as we drive through the medieval town of Grasse, towards the iconic rose fields of Chanel Nº5. The light is soft, casting a warm tone over the passing villages and farmlands. Our destination is Pégomas, a small village between the mountains and the sea. Here, time has stood still so to speak, or more accurately, its heritage is preserved thanks to CHANEL. It was in 1987 when CHANEL secured an exclusive partnership with the Mul family to grow jasmine and roses when the world’s wealthy, who were drawn to the glitz and glamour of The French Riviera, saw many farmers selling their land as property prices soared. This partnership not only guaranteed that CHANEL would maintain both the olfactory quality and quantity of flowers required for their fragrances, but it was the beginning of a relationship that would continue throughout future generations; theirs a story of family, loyalty and tradition.
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